Wednesday 2 June 2010

Thursday - Sunday

Well, Thursday rolled around and I went for lunch with one of my best friends to celebrate our birthdays. We had desert to die for, and plenty of wine, and sat in the sunshine just talking for hours about nothing in particular. We then went back to Ju's place to die each others' hair, drink more wine, eat cake and chill. Andy made us a cracking curry and we watched rubbish movies. Apparently we also sounded like Macbeth's witches into the early hours :)

Friday Ju and I had a carpet picnic and another friend came round for a while, we chatted and did NOTHING all day and it was amazing, I'd forgotten what seeing normal people was like :) That night my husband arrived and the two of us and Andy went out for a few drinks with some other mutual friends. At this point my husband told me he wouldn't be coming to the funeral which went down like a lead balloon but such is life.

Saturday was the day of the big party. There was some bad feeling when someone I went to high school with reared her ugly head, she shall henceforth be known as bitchface and that's all I have to say on the matter. I refuse to get drawn into her bullshit and my friends and I have agreed on an honesty policy when it comes to her.

The party was a roaring success. We spent the afternoon out in the sunshine in the park having a few drinks, then all went home to change, then we headed out to the joint birthday bash. Ju, Andy my husband and I blew up 100 balloons and had some dinner then we waited, and slowly, our friends began to trickle in. The bunny had done the music so we had a good playlist, and as people turned up the singing, dancing, drinking and fun began. We even got to throw a few people out as we'd booked an area!

I caught up with a load of people, and despite Gemma (the bride from a few weeks back) getting the sunshine/tobacco/food/wine ratio wrong and having to be taken home a fabulous night was had by all. There were no screaming arguments, no one was pushed down the stairs (though it came close a few times) no one was obscenely drunk and it was a genuinely good night. Of course there were a few people missing, my mum, aunt and cousin were meant to be there but obviously couldn't be, but we toasted their absence.

We ended the night in the new favourite club, where I switched to soft drinks and we listened to the kareoke and fnished the night in good spirits.

The next day we took a trip out to the beach and caught the last of the sun before a massive thunder storm came in up the river. Gemma turned up, looking very sheepish but we ingratiated her into the fold, we now have a club, the HW WAGS, named as we;re the wives and girlfriends of the group of lads that went to uni together, as only two of us are married we get higher status, but there are a few others who are hanging in there ;)

I think that's it, tune in next time for the Yorkshire chapter. Until next time, this could be the very minute I know that I'm alive, with a name I've never chosen, I'll take my first steps, as a child of twenty five...

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