Friday 26 March 2010

How very exciting! :D

Well, a phonecall to our solicitor this morning confirmed that everything is in place for us to pick up the keys to our new house on Monday! :D

We've now also got a dining table set and I'm about to trawl Amazon for my moving in present for myself, promised since the day we decided to sell our old house, a cake stand for high tea :D I'm now even more determined that I need one given my urge to hold a tea party a la Alice. We will get in on Monday to check the kitchen and get the rest of the cabinets and appliances ordered and then the first van load of stuff is going next Friday when we've got a friend coming up for the weekend. Before that though my aunt and baby cousin are coming over to help us decorate, shop, make cups of tea and move. Love it!

I'm having the whole baby issue again, but I'm pretty sure that's due to my body doing weird things and screwing up my carefully ignored hormone balance. I'm not upset by it all, just a little frustrated, so we wont worry too much about it :)

On Sunday last week a friend of mine from days of old (ie a forum for wedding planner from when I was planning my wedding four and a bit years ago) told me she'd be in town for a night, so we went and met them for dinner and a drink and then we all sat and chatted for hours, the menfolk played poker and she and I drank wine and chatted. It was fabulous. A great night out.

New Moon Monday was also awesome. We made six hundred thousand cupcakes (some of which I still have, but I don't think I can eat any more...) I now have my two matching Edward DVD cases sitting under the TV *swoon* I'm so Team Edward, I don't care what people have to say about Jake, he was never right for Bella. I refuse to get drawn into this as my consternations about Twilight, Anita Blake and Merry Gentry are well known amongst those who care to discuss them with me :)

I've technically started my new deployment at work, but after making the decision to tell my mangeress I felt more comfortable being given jobs than seeking them out after a few run ins with my supervisor she is now riding me like a fat kid rides the escalator to the cake shop. I apologise for the very un-PC analogy (actually, I don't, I've said worse than that before) but it's been a weird day.

For now, I am off to finish my wine, watch the rest of 28 Days Later (yesterday it was Armageddon, at least I've progressed from fucking depressing) and sort out my most recent 365 pics as I keeo forgetting to upload them! Until next time, now we're older, and much more sober, and have some big house payments to make...

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