Thursday 10 December 2009

I must be mad...

Well today is Thursday. Tomorrow is Friday 11th December which means I'm working til half four, getting in the car and being driven back to the big city for a Christmas party with my husband's ex colleagues, starting at eight. We're then spending the night down there with friends and then I'm getting the train back up on Saturday morning to be at work by 12 on Satuday afternoon... I must be mad. But let it never be said I don't make the effort!

Speaking of making the effort, I wrote a long rambly email, to the friend I fell out with, last night in the hopes of making some amends. I guess we'll just have to see how it pans out... I told her how I'm doing and asked about her and her fiance, I'm still feeling some resentment about Saturday night and a lot of people are not replying to me atm so I'm feeling a bit rough around the edges. I knew last weekend would be the last time I saw them all before Christmas, probably until January, but it's still hitting me quite hard.

I'm being reminded on a daily basis that we haven't met anyone except people we work with yet, especially as I wrote the Christmas cards over the last two days. I've got to take them to work with me today to get them posted. I'm doing a late shift as it's late night opening so have plenty of time to get to the post office before work. I've got two to send overseas, not sure if I've missed the posting deadline though... I probably have, but it's the thought that counts!

My mum is here tonight, this calls for pizza and wine and relaxing before tomorrow's epic journey to dinner. Her younger sister will be here as well, my baby cousin's mother, so it should be a good night. They're on their way back from visiting the mafia down South. We're also spending New Year with them and my manky boy cousin (TM) so that's something to look forward to. I am currently envisioning my baby cousin and I getting closer as we're both a little isolated up here, but then again, she's talking about moving away for uni, so maybe not.

So that's me. Melancholy thy name is Ophelia. I'm off now to get into my uniform and get off into town. Until next time, we only part to meet again.

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