Monday 21 December 2009

One glass of wine later...

...and I'm far more relaxed. Today was my last day off before Christmas, and I spent it being annoyed with my husband as he had a snow day. Which is ridiculous, but I like having my day off alone. I'm calm now, after a bath and a glass of white wine. I also did loads of baking today, a chocolate cake in place of a Christmas cake, I marzipanned and iced some Brack (Yorkshire teacake) and made the soup for Christmas dinner.

I'm very sleepy right now, which is undoubtedly due to the huge amount of time I'm spending at work or drinking, we had our Christmas night out on Saturday which was epic. We had loads of fun and a good dance and I even managed to hide how drunk I was from my manager! Win. Only three more days to Christmas though, so no time to be sleepy! I've bought myself some winter Pimm's in for Christmas Eve (well, it's normal Pimm's, I couldn't get Pimm's No3 anywhere so I'm making do) and after work we're having a few drinks, then I'm going to come home to some of that and finish getting ready the Christmas dinner. Epic.

I'm also having very bad thoughts about someone other than my husband. He's a fictional French vampire called Jean-Claude and he makes me somewhat hot under the collar. In my head he's somewhere between Orlando Bloom and Stuart Townsend... He hasn't made his way into my dreams yet but everytime I read one of these books he does. I look forward to it ;) Random moment of the day: When my friend the bunny and I made a deal to not argue over men, she can have the werewolves and I'll have the vampires...

My mentalist cousin started again tonight. Apparently we all treat her "appaulingly". Oh well. She hasn't deleted us all from facebook yet this time. I await it with bated breath *rolls eyes* I'm THIS close to deleting her and having done with it but I am too eager to keep the peace, my other cousins see her a lot, and I don't want to make this any more difficult than it needs to be. Although I've just checked facebook again to find her still spouting off to members of the other side of my family and quoting me out of context to "prove" her point. Excellent. So much for being calm. I know this will blow over, it always does, but I don't want to take this anymore.

Oh well, I'll hide her updates, make my settings as private as I can get them and wait for it all to blow over. What's the point? For now I'm going to watch Russell Howard, finish my wine and go to bed with Jean-Claude *swoons* Then hopefully tomorrow my two younger cousins will get over (the snow's Hellish and they've been stuck, we were for a while but they're a bit more rural than us so the snow plows haven't made it to them yet) and we can relax a bit together. I think I'll go give my husband a hug as well, I was a bit mean to him today. The monkeys in my family tree set me on edge before the day even started, he didn't stand a chance!

Until next time, I'll quote the number nine song in the chart (the number one is a bit heavy for this time of night) and tell you to not stop believin', who knows, one day you might be pleasantly surprised :)

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