Wednesday 6 January 2010

Back to the grind...

...And I'm knackered! Especially after my epic trek home last night. The buses weren't going up the hill past my house so I started walking, a nice stranger picked me up and drove me to another town near where I live and I started walking from there, thinking that since I was now uphill rather than downhill the walk might not be so treacherous. Lies! It took me an hour to walk through the foot and half high snow and ice back to my house by which time I was so cold my feet were burning and my chest felt like I'd been inhaling Egyptian whisky. I eventually got hom and wrapped up warm with a bottle of wine and some hot food to watch the last three episodes of a TV show I've been catching up on.

Today, I've done nothing. I have loads of laundry to do, I need to de-Christmas the house and tidy up after the festive excesses. My husband is away for a few days which is saving my sanity...

New Year was great, absolutley fantastic, it was great to see everyone and get away and it's only slightly marrred by me being so stressed about going back to work that I snapped at everyone on Sunday night. While we were away my husband, step-father and cousin all went skiing for a day and the women sat and watched chick-flicks. Epic :) I drank too much on NYE and am now the subject of having the piss taken out of me but I don't care. My baby cousin was picked up by police on her Christmas night out and they wouldn't let her go until my aunt went to pick her up :)

I'm feeling ok about everything now, I was a bit stressed, one of the girls I work with is still getting to me a bit, and the other temp is creating a bit of atmosphere, though I'm sure not intentionally, and several hints have been dropped about her having to look for another job. And after a solid twelve hours sleep I'm feeling positively chipper! I lost a lot of sleep after getting up at 7am on New Year's Eve to go to work...

I've started my 365 project, so far a few of the pictures are of snow, given that the snow is currently ruling my life, I felt that was appropriate... At my aunt's house getting up the drive was very much a walking expedition as the snow and ice have turned it into a ski slope...

So now I'm off to de-Christmas and tidy my house, return my furniture to where it normally lives and hopefully warm up! Until next time, sleep well, stay indoors and think happy thoughts.

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