Monday 1 February 2010


...that wasn't awful. The house was actually very nice in a lived-in-by-obsessive-Norman-Bates-types way. Everything was clean and tidy and lined up, I felt like I'd walked into the future of a girl I went to school with who even now is remembered by her teachers as the one who set out her things at school in straight lines and right angles... But other than that, it was very nice. It was decorated relatively nicely, we wouldn't need to change much, it has a dining room (read: Library for me) a GORGEOUS kitchen, garage, back garden etc etc. Hubby's not sure, area concerns again, but he found it really hard to find fault with the house itself so we might be onto a winner! He did say he saw it on the same level as the one I loved from two weeks ago so who knows, maybe we'll end up with that one anyway... The one we saw tonight did only have two bedrooms, bit of a downside, and I think that might sway things in the favour of the other one if it comes to it.

We are still hoping to see another one, but the agents haven't got back to us yet. Last we heard they were having trouble contacting the owners. This irritates me as when we were trying to sell our house we spent every possible moment checking messaging systems and checking in with the agents in case there were any developments, we even bribed friends of ours to do viewings when we couldn't!

Onto other news.
One of my best friends is doing my tree in. She's always bad at replying to text messages or answering the phone, or her emails, or the front door, or her landline, or her boyfriend's phone, or her facebook... I generally get one message every day, as she's going to bed when she checks her phone. In that she answers any text you may have sent her in the previous 24 hours. Now this is normally fine, I just accept it, but at the moment it's getting to me, especially as I told her weeks ago I need to book time off to go down and see her soon and she's kept putting off discussing it for various reasons, meaning the time gets ever nearer and I still havenb't booked my holiday from work, I've only got ten days left unbooked this year and need dates. Last week I said I'd give her a call tonight to discuss a few things, and she sent me a long text earlier asking me a bunch of questions and I said again that I'd phone her tonight. So I tried to phone her. The landline was engaged. I called her mobile. That was four hours ago. She's just text me to say sorry and ask if I can call her tomorrow instead.

Onto another friend. The one I fell out with a few months ago for complaining an inordinate amount about everything and anything. Remember me saying her fiance had been made redundant and she seemed to be getting a grip on reality? Well last week I happened to notice a conversation on facebook between her and a mutual friend, in which she complained that she can't afford to go to a festival this year as her ("stupid") fiance isn't working. Lovely. She also wants to go out for her birthday in a few weeks, that's fine, we have to be down that weekend any to sign over the house. The Friday night we arranged to go out for a few drinks with the people we're staying with. Then she announced she wants to go out for dinner that night. We probably wont go, as we'd already made plans, but also because she wants to go out on the Saturday as well, to a dance that we're going to have to pay entrance for. Now, we're skint. I know a good few sets of our friends are skint and she keeps telling me they're skint as well. But on facebook several times a week I get updates of her going out drinking, eating out, going to other cities for lunch... One wonders how she can afford it really...

Finally, I realise a lot of my posts have been somewhat maudlin recently, my usual humour just isn't cutting it of late. I'm working on it, and normal service will be resumed as soon as possible. For now, a joke to keep things ticking over. What do you call a deer with no eyes? No idea. *ba dum chh*

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