Monday 12 October 2009

My loose end.

So I used this weekend to (quite literally) tie up some loose ends. I worked like a little knitting demon on my jumper and now have a front and back, one complete sleeve and a third of a second sleeve. I'm in a very boring set of blocks of eight atm but once this is over I've got to design a pattern for a hood (agh!) So far, it's looking just exactly how I wanted it, massive, squashy and chunky so hopefully warm enough to see me through winter in a new (more Nothern) city.

We also went to see some friends we haven't seen for a few months, it was one's 30th birthday so after a lovely dinner with some other friends we all went out for cocktails (whiskies in the boys' case) and then danced the night away in a club, on the door of which was my ex-flatmate's ex-boyfriend! Love the random coincidences, we always got on better with him than her anyway so it was nice to catch up :) My husband woke this morning with a head like an angry bear while I slept it all off and then laughed at him. After that we went to see yet another friend, who was auditioning for Just Dance, before dinner and seeing UP with her and her fiance and my father in law. I recommend it. In fact I'm going to see it again this week. We saw it in 3D (my husband is very pleased with the new technology as he can watch 3D now even with his astigmatism) and it was absolutely fantastic. I usually prefer Dreamworks to Disney Pixar when it comes to digital animations but they've excelled themselves with this one.

One more random incidence, and one which has me a little confused. A friend of ours is married. This is not that strange I grant you, what is strange is that his wife has very rarely spoken to me in the years I've known them, including when I saw her after the birth of her son. I accepted it and moved on. I have enough friends. She has some very strange views on life. This I also accept and leave her to it. As she doesn't talk to me it's not an issue, and to be fair, a lot of people I know have strange views on life. Well, a few months ago, on my birthday, she text me to say happy birthday. Very nice of her. She asked me a few questions, asked me what I was up to and then I didn't hear from her again. Two months ago my husband was visiting his parents, who live near them. She asked where I was and said that she would have liked to have seen me as it's been nearly a year now since last we spoke. I thought this was most bizarre but as I didn't hear from her again thought nothing of it. Her and her husband and their son are coming to stay with us this weekend. We weren't sure when they were getting here but as neither of us are working in preparation for the move it wasn't really a problem. Well yesterday she text me. She told me when they're getting here and asked if I want to go shopping with her. I said that sounded good to me, I never get to go on girly shopping trips anymore and her son is a great excuse to go in children's shops and toy stores. Magic. What is strange is that I have offered to take her shopping before now and she's always said no. I tried to help her prepare for her wedding and she ignored everything I said, told me I was wrong about various things and proceeded to dismiss every piece of advice I gave her (oddly, the similarities between my wedding and hers were noticed by a few people, but I shall not bitch). So I am intrigued to see how this week turns out!

As for the move, tomorrow night one of my oldest friends is coming over for dinner and she's going to help me pack photographs, paintings and framed pictures. She doesn't know this yet, but she has offered to help several times, it was only a matter of when I took her up on it :) We're also having our last week in the local pub quiz this Wednesday. This is a ritual for anyone leaving the city so it promises to be a little bit sad that our time has rolled around. Obviously there will be times when we're back but this is our last as residents (my husband has even said he might sing in the kareoke afterwards!). We should also be getting a move-in date on Tuesday so we can organise the removal company and everything that needs transferring over.

So for now I'm going back to my jumper in the hope that I can get my second sleeve finished and start fresh on the hood tomorrow. Once the jumper is finished I am planning to knit a shawl based on this pattern. Can we tell I think I'm going to be cold this winter? :)

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