Wednesday 21 October 2009

Space llamas that go moo.

While packing my kitchen this morning I discovered an old friend. The space llama that goes moo. He is, of course, a small plastic cow from the ELC. He was bought for me when I was in first year at university by someone who is now one of my best friends, following a drunken conversation in the union (when we should have been in a lecture). He is actually the second as the first went missing during a flat party over five years ago, but we love him all the same. He has lived on top of a cabinet in my kitchen for over four and a half years and is now residing happily in my jeans pocket after a day out (cue me uttering the sentence "Did I put the llama in my pocket?" after dinner)

This afternoon/evening was spent with my friend the bunny (a nickname, not more animals) having lunch, watching two films at the cinema, having dinner and watching another film. Upon telling my husband that we'd seen three films we were greeted with a strange look, but as we both pay for an unlimited card each month and there's no cinema at which it works in the place I'm moving to we're aiming to get as much use as possible out of them before I leave :) We spent the afternoon scaring the living daylights out of strangers, laughing uproariously and talking absolute rubbish. We had a few moments where we had some deep and meaningful chat but it was mainly mindless babble, which is always fun.

I've started knitting my shawl. It's a bit of a variation on the pattern and is more of a stole than a shawl but it's giving me lots of ideas. I've already frogged it once after mixing up a line of garter stitch but it's starting to look like it's meant to, lace knitting is easier than I was expecting :)

All we've got left to pack now are the rest of the plates and pans, some cutlery, my Le Creuset (not fun to pack, very heavy and breakable and I'm clumsy at the best of times, the fact I've packed my wine glasses without breaking any is still amazing me) the TV and games consoles. A few friends are coming round tomorrow night on the promise of beer and dinner to help us order all the boxes for the removal company coming on Thursday. We've got a lot of stuff in the attic and the removal company told us this morning that we need to put all my books into smaller boxes *rolls eyes* Then Thursday they're packing up and we're having dinner and drinks with the last of the people we need to say Goodbye to. Friday we're driving up the road, picking up the keys, signing the lease, unpacking the van, driving back down the road, having a leaving party and celebrating my husband's birthday. Saturday I'm kicking out the lads that are sleeping over, shampooing my carpets then heading over to a mate's flat for a girl's afternoon in watching DVDs and drinking cocktails before we head back up the road on Saturday night. Sunday my mum is coming to stay while my husband goes on a two day trip with his new employer (the whole dept is going so they invited him along) so hopefully she can help me get my kitchen sorted out!

For now though, I'm wide awake *rolls eyes* I have suffered from insomnia for years as a result of a combination of depression, PTSD and my husband's snoring. But I have coping methods, one of which is knitting in front of late night TV, when I see some of the best comedy out there :) I'm currently in a pretty good state of mind (despite being fed up and frustrated over the move) so I'm not too worried and as long as I'm still getting up during the day I know it's not a problem (though I do know someone who is almost completely nocturnal and she seems to get on just fine!) So, I shall get back to my shawl. I forgot to ball the wool so I'm being driven demented by trying to knit with it in the ball I bought it in so I want to get through the first ball quickly!

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