Wednesday 14 October 2009

We've set a date!

Second time I've said that in my life time! This time is not quite as exciting, nor was it much fun. But it's done now. We are, of course, moving on the least convenient day, but shit happens. We're going a week on Friday, racing the removal company up the road so we can collect the keys and get to the house before they arrive as they charge extortionate fees if we're late *rolls eyes* We are then spending the day unpacking before driving back down the road for our leaving party. We had anticipated moving a few days earlier and having plenty of time. Apparently Fate was in a strange mood today though... We've also already had two offers of people coming to help us settle in and move, so that's taking the edge off the whole thing really. It does mean that tomorow isn't technically our last night in the pub, but we can work around that.

Tonight, meanwhile, we're going to a friend's flat for dinner. I've just written him out my crack brownie recipe as he's been asking for it, and since it's from the Green & Black's cookbook I felt a bit mean not giving him it. I can't help but wonder if he'll ever figure out where I got it from, he has seen the book before now, if not the name, and if he does work it out, how much he's going to punish me... I'm taking Chocolate Krisp Kringles to soften him up :)

As for the jumper, I've finished the sleeves and am now working on a hood. I've decided to essentially make a giant, rounded pillow case and then sew it in creatively :) When that's done I can get started on my shawl which I am just dying to do, I considered the Clapotis pattern that's doing the rounds but I hate with a passion patterns that include dropped stitches as then when I drop one by accident (which I invariably do at least once per item) I have no idea! Maybe next year.

We've got loads more packing done today, our biggest problem at the moment is making sure everything we pack is stored somewhere safe. The friends who are visiting this weekend are bringing their ten month old son and him getting trapped under piles of boxes might put a slight dampner on the weekend...

So, for now, I'm going to decant my Krisp Kringles into a tub to take out and get a few lines of knitting done (100 stitches is a lot!) before we go out. Then I'm going to spend this week making the most of my friends.

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