Friday 9 October 2009

Suddenly at a loose end.

This weekend we were meant to be taking our Scouts away for three days. As the week has gone on, however, the local schools have been hit by bugs and disease and we're now down to four Scouts. So we have decided to call off the trip and just have a normal meeting tonight then everyone gets the weekend back. This is all well and good, and everyone is being very understanding, but now I don't know what to do with myself! We'd been counting on being away so have planned meticulously around it right down to my father in law needing spare keys to come down tomorrow night as he's down for a course. Of course now I can go to the cinema/pub/friends' houses or merely lie in and sleep in a warm bed. All are positives. But it also means we're going to miss the last camp with our Troop, which is terribly sad really. But, onwards and upwards.

We've also just had a phonecall from the letting agents (one day I'll tell the story of how we managed to get a house up there at all) to say that my husband's employer have not yet confirmed that they are, in fact, employing him from this month and as they go on holiday for two weeks starting at 5pm today this is somewhat inconvenient as without their confirmation we can't sign our lease, which means we can't move. The fact that this means he wont be there in time to start work appears to have gone over the employer's head. Magic.

On the topic of magic, Hallowe'en is rolling around again. This means that the ignorant and close minded are back on their soap boxes about celebrating Satanic holidays. While I'm not officially Wiccan/Pagan I follow the Wiccan Rede "An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will" (Karma's gonna getcha) and over the last two years have been reading up on the history and rituals of Modern Witchcraft with a mind to "convert" (for want of a better word) as I find myself drawn to the practise and beliefs far more than any other. All this means that when people feel the need to compare Witchcraft (including Harry Potter) and the celebration of Hallowe'en (note, not Samhain, the actual Wiccan festival) to rapists, murderers and child molesters, I get somewhat irritated.

But enough of that. The ignorant are, well, ignorant and therefore should be ignored. On a good note, with Autumn well and truly in the air bonfire night is also coming upon us. And three of my friends have booked travel to visit me in the new city for the weekend of the 6th, 7th and 8th. This serves to make me feel very loved and appreciated :)

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